The Six Attitudes of High Achievers
John R. Noe
1. Make no small plans
I think it means to be an over achiever. It means to make big goals and to dream big. To aim high and work hard to achieve that goal. Make plans you know you can accomplish. If you make small foolish plans then you don't really achieve anything. If you make small plans you achieve little, if you make big plans than you'll be successful. Make goals or plans that are unbelievable to others. I think its good to have unbelievable dreams because people will think you cant achieve them. When you do achieve them then you cant prove them wrong. The more bigger goals you accomplish, the more you know you are capable of accomplishing.
''Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there.''
Bo Jackson
2. Do what they fear
I think this means that to do the things you want to do. To do things that are uncommon and what other people find odd. It means to not let people control your life or follow other people, but be yourself. If you do things that you don't enjoy doing then you'll be unhappy. Don't be afraid. Change is a beautiful thing. It can also mean to overcome a fear. For example, doing a presentation in class, getting rid of that fear help you become a better person. Your fears in life are only as fearful as you constantly interpret them to be.
"I say I am stronger than fear."
Malala Yousafzai
3. Are willing to prepare
This means that people that are ready for something and already knows whats ahead of them. If you preparing to fail, you are going to fail. If you are prepare to succeed, you are going to be successful. Success depends upon previous preparation For example, athletes does not become winner when they win at the event, but the preparation they dedicated in practicing for it. The successful performance that they prepare themselves for, it is a demonstration of their champion character. Also sometimes life gives us things that we are not expecting to happen, but you have prepare ourselves for it.
Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. Malcolm X
4. Are willing to risk failure.
I think it means that you willing to risk failures and learn from them. Failure is the root of success because you learn from those mistakes you made and make a better person out of yourself. Also life is full of failures. Youre are supposed to fail sometimes. It part of life and everyone goes through it. The more you fail the more you learn and the more you learn you get smarter. Failure is disappointing, but it better than not trying. If you dont try than you'll never have a satisfied result. Giving up is only way to fail.
“Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it.”
5. Are teachable
It means that you can teach others to do good. The unteachable person is to being taught only by experience. The tragedy is he reaches nothing further than his own pain. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you. Eventually we are going to makes mistakes and might as well learn from them. In teaching others, we teach ourselves. To stop learning is like to stop growing. Always remain teachable. Everyday we learn something new whether it is small or big. Our job is learn and listen.
“Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.”
― Meister Eckhart
6. Have heart
It means to kind to others and treat them with respect.It means to be kind and gentle to each other. It can also mean that you do what you want to do. Listen and follow what your heart is telling you. your heart is free have the courage to follow it.In life no matter if there is messed up people in encounter in my life. I will always have a good heart and no one can change that. No beauty shines brighter than a good heart. Even if the days get colder, always have a good heart.
“One love, one heart, one destiny.”
― Bob Marley
Reflection: I try will commit to doing the 6 high achievers. The one i will have a hard time achieving is the number 3 willing to prepare. I have a hard time preparing my self for stuff. For example, study for a quiz or sometimes not bring my textbooks to class. The one have achieved is number 6, have heart. I like to help other people whether it big or small thing. I dont mind people asking me for help.