Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Top 10 Rules of Success

1. Manage time Effectively
The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot.

2. Create your own Path
Our paths are not mapped; they’re made.

3. Fight for what is right
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

4. Practice

5. Help others in need

6. Embrace your gifts/talents

7. There isn't no mistakes. just lessons

8. Keep moving forward

9. Don't Stop Learning

10. Never Stop Dreaming

Class Evaluation

              A few things I liked about things are the learning we did. I learned a lot about computers and new vocabulary. I also liked coding and learning code by using code academy. The last thing i enjoyed was the 10 rules of success because they were very interesting to learn from famous athletes.
              There isn't a lot of things i dislike, only one or two things. The first thing i didn't enjoyed how we focus less on towards the computer science and more on the rules and lists on how to be successful. Another i didn't enjoyed that it was the same ritual everyday.
               The highlight of this class was learning the basis of coding. I enjoyed it a lot and solving how to code and code academy. I also like when we had to make our own game and use code to create it.
               I tried my best in this class but not to my fullest potential. I wish i had taken more time to practice to create my game on the I did my best on learning how to code. It was a bit hard but fun.
                Yes i'm reading my life planning goals everyday. The reason i read them everyday because they inspire me to do my best at school and in the future.
                 Yes i am commit to be a ctr person because that the only way ill be successful and happy. It has help me improve to a better person than when i was a freshmen.

Monday, June 5, 2017

The Top 10 Rules for Success - Steph Curry

REFLECTION: These rules have a lot of meaning that everyone can relate to and apply it to your life. The first rule is visualize your goals which mean that not just setting your goals but to visualize yourself achieve those goals. The second rule is be the hardest working person, this means that success is given out to anyone just to the ones who work hard for it. The third rule is stay confident meaning that you know that you could do it or do it better. The fourth rule is do it your way, it means that don't follow what others are doing and do it your way. The fifth rule is be creative which means don't do the same thing over and over again, change will help. The sixth rule is stay in the moment meaning that enjoy the moments while they last. The seventh rule means to practice everyday and you'll see great result afterward.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Top 10 Rules for Success


Reflection: I think everyone can relate to or heard of these 10 rules. You can apply it into your life whether you in a sport or not. The first one means that just keep on practicing on what you enjoy and love doing. The second one means to thrive to be only the best. The third one means have change in your life and face and defeats those challenges. The fourth one means to keep yourself ground and know what comes first. The fifth one means that no matter what people do to bring yourself down always preservere forward and stronger. The sixth one means to work hard and good things will happen. The seventh one means you have a high self esteem and be confident. The eighth one means to play not for yourself but as a team. The ninth one means to enjoy any moments given good or bad. The tenth one means to have a good time and not be so serious.

Monday, May 1, 2017

10 Seeds of Greatness

Denis Waitley 

1. The Seed of Self-Esteem (Appreciate the value of yourself)
“From self-love to self-worth"

Self- esteem is the belief that you can be successful in your efforts and you are worthy of success. Self- Esteem is important to have because it effects the things you do in life. For example, it effects your performance and it effects how others see you and how you see yourself.  It has to do alot with having or being confident with yourself. Having trust in yourself and knowing and that you do it will effect your mentally in a positive way and yourself and other will see it. Someone with low self esteem lacks in confidence.

2.The Seed of Creativity 
"Releasing your creative energy"

Having creativity is the use of  imagination or original ideas. It is important to have it make life more fun and lets you express any type of idea you want to bring out. Another reason why it is important characteristics to have is because without it we wouldn't be able know anything. For example without creativity we would have people like Galileo, Mozart, Einstein. They are all went against the odds to create something that they all use today.

3.The Seed of Responsibility
"Whatever we sow, we reap."

A responsible person is someone who can be trusted without any second thought.  The reason for this would be because they hold accountable for their own behavior. Without responsibility there wouldn't be any changes or improvement in your life. Responsibility is a huge factor that help us mature into a good person, it something that we can learn from. Someone who doesn't have responsibilities or is a responsible will never grow up or mature.

4.The Seed of Wisdom
"A large vocabulary--which implies broad, general knowledge--characterizes the more successful persons, regardless of their occupations."

Wisdom it is sort of a guide to life. It allows you see the truth and not be blinded by others. wisdom people learn from their mistakes and as well as from others mistakes. It is good to have wisdom because you can teach other your wisdom for they wont make the same mistake you did.  Its not important to have knowledge because not everyone get an opportunity to get an education. Something you should seek is wisdom from knowledge you have gained.

5.The Seed of Purpose
“The gold mine in your goals”

Purpose is the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. It defines the overall goal of a person.It inspires a person to make a positive contribution to your goal. Without no purpose means no greatness, absolutely nothing. To have purpose is to have structure, routine, goals to function correctly. Purpose can help people by using your gift or talents by giving a purpose to help others. Efforts and courage is not enough without purpose and direction.

7.The Seed of Faith
“The power of positive believing”

Faith is to have complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Every thing requires having faith. You have faith in hope that things will work out. We depend on faith on big or small things. For example, they have faith in friends that they wont lets us down. We hold on to beliefs despite of the lack of evidence. Faith keeps some people opened mined about life and looks for the positive parts of life instead of  the negative. Faith gives you a sense of hope and makes you want to continue with life and enjoy it more.

9. The Seed of Perseverance
“The will to win is everything”

The meaning of perseverance means to strive through something despite difficultly in achieving success. It can also means that strengthening to resolve. In order to be perseverance, you have to be focused and clear about what you want to do and how you want to do it. You have to be patience and have confidence to in order to achieve your goals. With these two traits nothing will ever stop you from reaching them.

10.The Seed of Perspective
“Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”

Perspective is a particular attitude towards or a way of regarding something. In other words, perspective is the way we see things when we look at them from a distance. It allows to appreciate it true value. Everyone has a perspective. Some may see the glass half way full. Others may see the glass half way empty. Almost everything we hear is an opinion not a fact. Almost everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. 

Final Reflection:
 Write an overall final reflection in your Ten Seeds of Greatness post.  Include your deepest thoughts and feelings. Write what you commit to do to apply the ten seeds of greatness. 

For a little over a month, we been learning the ten seeds of greatness by Denis Whitley. This has taught me a lot about  apply these seeds into my life. One way is using them on a daily basis and on difficult situations. Other way is reminding myself when and how to use them. Applying these seed in my life will make is more happier and successful. 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Ten Tips for Being More Truthful

Barbara A. Lewis

The Ten Tips

  1. Make a commitment to tell the truth.
  2. Tell someone about your commitment.
  3. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason.
  4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.
  5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it.
  6. Don't indulge in little white lies.
  7. Watch out for silent lies.
  8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.
  9. Talk to yourself.
  10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth.

They are important because we often tell lies in fear of the consequences that the truth can be told when brought upon. I believe it that when you tell a lie, even a small one. it can pile up over time and lead up to a huge one.  It can benefit anyone by not living in resentment or guilt. Also your life will be happier and you wont live in constant anxiety. You can incorporate these tips into your life planning by committing yourself to actually doing your goals instead of just writing it down.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Spring Break

I stayed in here for all my spring break. I did a couple exciting things over the break.  I was happy to spend time with my cousins. Since they are younger than me I had to babysit them while my aunt went to her doctor appointments. I don't mind babysitting because we all have fun playing basketball. Most of my break i spend studying or doing homework for my SAT which i will be taking in June and hopefully get a good score on it. I also spend time with my best friend which was fun. On Easter, my family on my dads side, we went to the cemetery to visit my grandfather and drop off flowers for him.

Thursday, March 16, 2017


In the video it showed two stories, one in a high school classroom and one in a medical school. The classroom one was about a class beginning to take a quiz. When they start the test a student tells her fellow classmate to tell her answer for one of the questions on the test. She politely refuses to tell her and goes back to doing her test. In the other story, it sort of has the same concept like a class taking a test but the professor leaves the room and about every student began cheat. The guy who wasn't cheating thought to himself that is was hard to win against a bunch a cheaters. Then someone stood up and told his struggles of him getting into med school and about leaving his family behind. After his short speech everyone felt bad about what they were doing and stop cheating on the test.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Internet Society

The internet society helps with a wide range of Internet Issues. For example, issues like policy, governance, technology, and development. Thier mission is the make the world a better place by connecting and making the internet accessable to everyone. Thier vison is the internet is for everyone. We also want to

  • provide reliable info about the Internet
  • Support education in developing countries

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Pyramid of Success

John Wooden - Pyramid of Success

The 25 Building Blocks of the
Pyramid of Success

Block 1:  Industriousness
"In plain and simple English this means hard work. Very hard work. There is no substitute for very hard work when it comes to success."

A industrious person is working energetically and devotedly. It someone who puts thier heart to something they are doing. They dont just do it for because they dont have other option. They do it because they want to produce successful work. In order to produce great work you have to work very hard and have to do it with passion.

Block 2: Enthusiasm
"It is the engine that powers all blocks of the Pyramid. It is why I chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my Pyramid of Success. It is where everything begins."

It is good to be enthusiaistic because it helps build your confidence.As well as the others people around you. It makes you have ability to have a positive outlook an belief. To be enthusiaistic, you look for what can be done rather than what cannot. They dont let the bad past experiance push them back they look into what good thing the future has to offer. 

Block 3: Friendship
"Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a joint effort."

Block 4: Loyalty
"To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect."

Loyalty is one of the greatest qualities anyone can have. Friendship require loyalty from friends. If you lack in having loyality is one of causes of failure. Trust is earned by demonstrating loyalty over time. Loyalty is the same as faithfulness. If a person has faithfulness, this person will live in a good sense. That's why loyalty is important.

Block 5: Cooperation
"With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way. "

Cooperation is important because it allows people or groups to work together to achieve thier common goal. Cooperation leads to productivity and creates a good working enviroment. Firstly cooperation comes within ourselves. It means to help each other out and to never leave someone out. Everyone is doing thier part for everyone's benefits.

Block 6: Ambition 
For noble goals

Ambition is the most important tool to have to achieveing your goal and success. Having an amitious attitude can lead people to victory and enjoyment. Regardless of anything you put in front of them. Without amibition theres no goal. If there goal is no plan and without a plan will lead to no direction. Without direction you have a horrible life. In other words, a person cant go or reach far without them.

Block 7: Self-Control
"Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgement and common sense are essential."

Self control is the ability to control ones emotions, thoughts, behavior, and desire in order to obtain a certain reward. Having self control is important because it help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. For example exercising daily, maintain a healthy diet, and working harder. Self control affect many parts of your life. Including life choices and who you hang out with, as well as your action.

Block 8:  Alertness
"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve."

Be alert is very important because majority of things you on daily basis require a degree of alertness. For example doing simple things like crossing the street from driving a car. It also to keep others and youself safe. To notice when dangers around you and to respond to them in a matter of seconds. You can improve your alertness by getting enough sleep, eating, and exercise.

Block 9: Initiative
"Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."

Initiative is the ability to slove problem and take action. You do this by thinking of soultions rather than being told what to do. It is important because it shows people around you what you are capable of bringing out ideas. Also it shows them how you carry them out to be. It shows you can work by yourself and with a group by motivating them and capable of talking a task.

Block 10: Intentness
"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations.  Be determined and persistent."

  Intentness is the thing you plan to achieve it. The ability to concentrate on your objective and be determined to reach your goal. Having intentness is being successful of blocking all distractions. It is the ability to focus with enthusism on full attetion on your task or goal. Without goals, progess is unlikely going to happen.

Block 11: Sincerity
 Keeps friends

Sincerity is important because it help build trust. Being sincere could do something good to society. Sincerity can make a difference whether it big or small. It can have such an positive effect on others. A person who is sincere will put all thier effort to improve his work. Sincerity cause the smallest of goods deeds to become the largest.

Block 12: Adaptability
To any situation

Adaptability is being able to adjust to new conditions. It can also mean that it can be taught and learnt. It shows that you can learn from experience, and improve and adapt to any situation. Flexibility is also other way to learn adaptability. It means to go with the flow. People who can adapt to any circumstance, embrace new ideas, and they are resourceful and adaptable.

Block 13: Condition
"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated." 

I think being in good condition means to be healthy and be around a good environment. To be healthy means to healthy mentally, physical, morally. You can be healthy physically by eating right, exercising, and getting enough sleep. By being mentally healthy is by seeking help when needed, having a high self esteem, and as well getting enough sleep. You can have good moral by being kind to people, being trustworthy, having respect for other people, etc. As well as being in a good and safe atmosphere can cause you to be healthy and have a good life.

Block 14: Skill
"A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail."

Skill is the ability to do something well. You can have many or little skills depending on the person. There are different types of skills. For example there is communications skill, social skills, critical thinking skill, etc. Some people can naturally have these skill and some can lack in these skills. But over time if these people want to improve thier skills you can keep on practicing these skill.

Block 15:  Team Spirit
"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all."

 Team Spirit is important because it is the key to success. Teamwork creates unity among people, When people get together and achieve a common goal with a positive attitude that is called team spirit. Team spirit is willing to corporate with each other as a team. It makes other member want succeed as well. Everyone is involved in making decisions and agreeing with their fellow team mates. 

Block 16: Honesty 
In thought and action

Honesty is the fact of being honest, uprightness, or fairness. It is important because it creates and promotes relationship of trust. It benefits stronger relationships and personal health at large. If you do the opposite, for example lying it leads to distrust, problems, and anxiety.Even if you start with a little white lie then you start a habit of constantly lying to other and even to yourself. Telling the Truth makes life easier and happier instead of hiding in a bunch of lies. 

Block 17: Resourcefulness
proper judgement

Being resourceful means solving skill with what you have. One way to be resourceful is to develop skills like being open minded, confidence, proactive, creative, etc. Another is being prepared for unexpected problem and evaluating a situation. Also managing your time carefully because life is made up of time and time is resource. Setting goals is also a good way to be resourceful. Resourceful people seek challenges to overcome.

Block 18: Poise
"Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation."
Graceful and elegant bearing in a person.

Poise is being self confident mannered or bearing. You always have to remain poise even in difficult situations. In order you be a poise person is first practicing self confidence to increase yourself esteem. Another thing you can do is focus only on your strengths. Paying attention to only your positive aspects of yourself. Also become a good communicator by listening to others. Finally maintaining a good posture by taking deep breaths and not slouching. You become better at this by observing others and practicing.

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone." 
-Audrey Hepburn

Block 19: Confidence
"Respect without fear. May come from being prepared and keeping all things in proper perspective."

Confidence is the courage to be yourself no matter what. The greater self worth you have the more self confidence you will have. No one will respects someone who afraid to be themselves. It brings happiness and enjoyment to yourself. It will create a good atmosphere between you and the other person you are talking to, helps you build friendship or strong bonds with people. As well enabling you to become more independent.

“I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I believe in miracles” 
  - Audrey Hepburn

Block 20: Reliability
Creates respect

Reliability is the quantity of being trustworthy or performing consistently well. People can rely on you to get the work done. One way you can describe as reliable person is being consistent. People who lack of this will lose trust of others. Another way is keep promises but don't over promise people. Don't leave others hanging because the person will think poorly of you and unreliable.
Block 21: Fight 
Determined effort

When you fight for something or someone it means that you passionate about it. It thrives innovation and improves quality. Nothing will get in the way of you. It can get people motivated and make them strive to do their best. It get things done and later rewards you later. To fight for something can have a positive side but as well as negative side. It turns ugly when people get resentful, jealous and start acting dirty to win.

Visions are worth fighting for. Why spend your life making someone else's dreams?
- Tim Burton

Block 22: Competitive Greatness
" Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."

Competitive greatness is doing your best when the time is needed. Always strive to do competitive greatness. It promotes growth and improvement in yourself. It also teaching us to learn when we lose and think about how we can better ourselves from that. It also prepares us for the real world when you have to compete for important things. For example, having a  good colleges applications or compete for that job offer.

         “A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms.”

Block 23: Integrity 
Purity of intention

Integrity means to be honest with other people and having strong moral principles. We use integrity in our lives everyday and in our thoughts everyday. If we cant because honest with ourselves, we cant be honest with others. It big impact on people and which a person with integrity can earn honor and respect. People with no integrity will have a bad reputation. It leads to untruthfulness and bad behavior. No one will want to hang around with you because nobody wants to hang around with someone they cant trust.

"The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively."

Block 24:Faith
Believe and Achieve

Faith is to have complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Every thing requires having faith. You have faith in hope that things will work out. We depend on faith on big or small things. For example, they have faith in friends that they wont lets us down. We hold on to beliefs despite of the lack of evidence.

The greatest legacy one can pass on to one's children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one's life, but rather a legacy of character and faith. Billy Graham

Monday, January 9, 2017

School Break Day

The first week of winter break I didnt much. The first day of winter break my dad and I went to Santa Maria because my dad had some work to up there. It took us 4 hours to get over and the same  way to go back to Los Angeles. It was nice over there, much more colder and peaceful than LA. On Christmas week, i went to go visit family in Sacramento, my aunt house was pretty noisy cause almost everyone in my family was there on Christmas day. I was happy because my older cousin Keana and my aunt and i finally got to see her again. Later that week Keana, my little cousins, brother, and I went to go see the new Star Wars movie. On New Years my cousin and I went over her friends house. Unfornately i fell asleep early and didnt stay up all night on News Years. The next day i had to fly back to LA because grandma's sister were coming over from Mexico to visit. While she were there we took her to tourist spot around LA. The last days of break i finished working on my IDP.